.ve-meta title=”Plant Humanities Lab” description=”Explore the cultural histories of plants and their influence on human societies.”

.ve-header label=”Plant Humanities Lab” logo=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jstor-labs/plant-humanities/main/images/phl-website-png-logo.png background=gh:jstor-labs/plant-humanities/images/header.jpg subtitle=”Explore the cultural histories of plants and their influence on human societies” contact=ron.snyder@ithaka.org url=/ sticky

Featured Plant Narratives

Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity

Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity

Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class

Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class

Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff

Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff

Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants

Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants

Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons

Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons

Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed

Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed

Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill

Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill

Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture

Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture

All Plant Narratives

Agave: A Plant with an Intoxicating History

Agave: A Plant with an Intoxicating History

Arbor Vitae: In Search of the Tree of Life

Arbor Vitae: In Search of the Tree of Life

Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons

Ayahuasca: Amazonian Plant Lessons

Bananas: Chaos out of Order

Bananas: Chaos out of Order

Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class

Black-Eyed Pea: Crop, Culture, Class

Boxwood: A Plant That Took Over the Garden World

Boxwood: A Plant That Took Over the Garden World

Cacao: Indigenous Network to Global Commodity

Cacao: Indigenous Network to Global Commodity

Carolina Rice: An Agricultural Legacy of Enslaved Peoples

Carolina Rice: An Agricultural Legacy of Enslaved Peoples

Cassava: From Toxic Tuber to Food Staple

Cassava: From Toxic Tuber to Food Staple

Cinnamomum verum: Discovering “True” Cinnamon

Cinnamomum verum: Discovering “True” Cinnamon

Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture

Cryptomeria japonica: Climate Change, Cultivation, and Culture

Dittany: Women’s Herbs and Reproductive Control

Dittany: Women’s Herbs and Reproductive Control

Dracaena draco: The Mystery of Dragon’s Blood

Dracaena draco: The Mystery of Dragon’s Blood

Heliconia: Evolution at Work

Heliconia: Evolution at Work

Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity

Maize: Sacred Plant, Global Commodity

Mint: The Ubiquity of a Commercial Crop

Mint: The Ubiquity of a Commercial Crop

Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed

Peanut: From Luxury Food to Livestock Feed

Pelargonium: By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet?

Pelargonium: By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet?

Peony: Pretty and Powerful

Peony: Pretty and Powerful

Sunflower: Knowledge, Myth, and Meaning

Sunflower: Knowledge, Myth, and Meaning

Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff

Tamarind: From Shady Refuge to Versatile Foodstuff

Turmeric: Herb of the Sun

Turmeric: Herb of the Sun

Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants

Venus Flytrap: Queen of the Carnivorous Plants

Watermelon: Stereotypes of Race and Class

Watermelon: Stereotypes of Race and Class

Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill

Wild Yam: The Rhizome of the Pill

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